This week’s inspirational quotes are all about focus and how having clarity and focus can improve our lives.
Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by all of the things that you need to do, that you can’t even quiet your mind enough to plan it out? No? Just me?
I have been spinning my wheels for about a week now. I have so many things going on that need my undivided attention, that I am accomplishing exactly nothing. I’ve alway struggled with focus, but the chemotherapy affects that are lingering in my brain are making the old struggle seem like a walk in the park.
So what have I done to help? I talked with my amazing therapist about it last week and she suggested list making. I have always been a list maker, but I haven’t been creating them lately. So I tried. I tried and failed. Something or another is always dragging my attention away.
I have occupational therapy appointments, doctors appointments, volunteer appointments, blogging, social media, learning about blogging and social media, preparing for my first trip since my diagnosis…the list goes on and on. I NEED TO FOCUS! AHHHHHHH! [Takes a breath]
So I tried again. This time, I managed to create a list, and I was able to focus long enough to get through a few things on it. PROGRESS! It’s almost like I have to retrain my post-chemo brain to “brain!”
Another tool in my little toolbox is one I haven’t been utilizing lately, and that’s meditation. I think that one is going onto my “Self-Care List” as soon as I create one.
I can do this. I can. One step at a time.
David denotaris
“Our focus is our future, and what we focus on will multiply in our life.”
Roy T. Bennett
“What you stay focused on will grow.”
“In a world deluged by irrelevant information, clarity is power.”
yuval noah harari
“When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you.”
stephen richards
“It is those who concentrate on but one thing at a time who advance in this world.”
og mandino